OnePlus is rolling out OxygenOS 15, the stable version of its latest operating system (OS) update for the OnePlus Pad in India, the company announced via a community forum on Monday. It is based on Android 15 and brings visual changes to the user interface (UI) courtesy of the Flux theme, improved animations, and brighter rendering effects. Additionally, it also includes artificial intelligence (AI) features like AI Reflection Eraser that can remove reflections on glass surfaces in images, in addition to an AI writing suite and productivity tools.
OxygenOS 15 update for OnePlus Pad
In a community post, OnePlus highlighted the features coming as part of the Android 15-based OxygenOS 15 update. The company says that its latest update is already being rolled out in batches to OnePlus Pad users in India. It will also be available in North America (NA) and Europe (EU) regions starting next week.
Similar to features available on other OnePlus smartphones running OxygenOS 15, the update introduces visual enhancements across the UI. It includes Flux theme with extensive home and lock screen customization options. The former supports blurred wallpapers while the latter offers features like clock color blending, glass textures, AI depth effect, and AI auto-fill.
Changes have been made to the live alert system and the feature is said to be now more focused in appearance. Tapping the alert capsule opens a detailed card with a new design and animation system.
The changelog also highlights several AI features on offer. OnePlus brings an AI writing suite that can be used to polish and optimize content as well as format it into an organized structure. The new Clean Up feature adds the ability to remove filler words from voice notes while maintaining the original audio, making it more consistent. There’s also an AI Reflection Remover feature which, as the name suggests, can remove reflections from glass surfaces from snapshots.
OxygenOS 15 brings better integration between the camera app and filters, while also introducing globally reversible photo editing capabilities. The company says this feature saves previous edit settings for later edits in the future. It also opens up new avenues for multi-tasking, courtesy of new gestures for floating windows. OnePlus Pad users can swipe down to open the status window or swipe to the side to hide it. Additionally, actions to access quick settings and notification panels have been separated.
OnePlus says that its Android 15-based update brings a new charging limit feature that can limit the maximum charging to 80 percent. This is claimed to slow down battery degradation and extend its lifespan.